

Tominski C, Heyer H, Behrens S, Kappler A (2017) Growth and population dynamics of the anaerobic Fe(II)-oxidizing and nitrate-reducing enrichment culture KS.

Tominski C, Loesekann Behrens T, Ruecker A, Hagemann H, Kleindienst S, Mueller CW, Hoeschen C,Koegel-Knabner I, Kappler A and Behrens S (2017) Metabolic network analysis of an autotrophic nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing microbial enrichment culture by FISH-SIMS

Hagemann N, Conte P, Schmidt H-P, Dieguez-Alonso A, Kammann CI, Kappler A, Behrens S (2017) Extent and kinetics of slow release of nitrate from pristine, co-composted and soil-aged biochar.

Krause H-M, Hüppi R, Leifeld J, El-Hadidi M, Harter J, Kappler A, Hartmann M, Behrens S, Mäder P, Gattinger A (2017) Effect of biochar and lime amendment on community composition of nitrous oxide reducing microbial communities in a field experiment across a vegetation period.


Hagemann N, Joseph S, Schmidt H-P, Kammann CI, Harter J, Borch T, Young RB, Varga K, Elliot KW, McKenna A, Chen H, Albu M, Mayrhofer C, Obst M, Conte P, Dieguez-Alonso A, Behrens S, Kappler A (2017) Organic coating on biochar explains its nutrient retention and stimulation of soil fertility. Nature Communications, 2017; 8 (1). [article]

Hagemann N, Subdiaga E, Orsetti S, de la Rosa Arranzc JM, Knicker H, Schmidt HP, Kappler A, Behrens S (2017) Effect of biochar amendment on compost organic matter composition following aerobic compositing of manure. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 20-29. [article]

Krause H-M, Thonar C, Eschenbach W, Well R, Mäder P, Behrens S, Kappler A, Gattinger A (2017) Long term farming systems affect soils potential for N2O production and reduction processes under denitrifying conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 114: 31-41. [article]

Nordhoff M, Tominski C, Halama M, Byrne JM, Obst M, Kleindienst S, Behrens S, Kappler A (2017) Insights into nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation mechanisms through analysis of cell-mineral associations, cell encrustation, and mineralogy in the chemolithoautotrophic enrichment culture KS. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e00752-17. [article]

Harter J, El-Hadidi M, Huson DH, Kappler A, Behrens S (2017) Soil biochar amendment affects diversity and abundance of nosZ mRNA gene taxa: Implications for N2O formation. Scientific Reports 7: 3338. [article]

Hagemann N, Kammann CI, Schmidt H-P, Kappler A, Behrens S (2017) Nitrate capture and slow release in biochar amended compost and soil. PLOS One 12: e0171214. [article]

Archanjo B, Mitchell D, Achete C, Behrens S, Kappler A, Enders A, Munroe P, Hagemann N, Zwieten L, Mayerhofer C, Mai T, Horvat J, Mendoza M, Weng Z, Araujo J, Donne S, Joseph S, Albu M (2017) Nanoscale Analyses of the Surface Structure and Composition of Biochars Extracted from Compost and from Cultivated Fields Using Advanced Analytical Electron Microscopy. Geoderma 294: 70-79. [article]

Krauss M, Krause H-M, Spangler S, Kandeler E, Behrens S, Kappler A, Mäder P, Gattinger A (2017) Tillage system affects fertilizer-induced nitrous oxide emissions. Biology Fertility Soils 53:49–59. [article]


Hagemann N, Harter J, Kaldamukova R, Guzman-Bustamante I, Ruser R, Graeff S, Kappler A, Behrens S (2016) Does soil aging affect the N2O mitigation potential of biochar? A combined microcosm and field study. GCB Bioenergy DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12390. [article]

Hagemann N, Harter J, Behrens S (2016) Elucidating the Impacts of Biochar Applications on Nitrogen Cycling Microbial Communities. In Biochar Application: Essential Soil Microbial Ecology by editors Komang Ralebitso-Senior T & Orr C. H.,Elsevier. [book chapter]

Harter J, Guzman-Bustamante I, Kuehfuss S, Ruser R, Well R, Spott O, Kappler A, Behrens S (2016) Gas entrapment and microbial N2O reduction reduce N2O emissions from a biochar-amended sandy clay loam soil. Scientific Reports 6:39574. [article]

Ruecker A, Schröder C, Byrne J, Weigold P, Behrens S, Kappler A (2016) Geochemistry and mineralogy of Western Australian salt lake sediments: Implications for Meridiani Planum on Mars. Astrobiology 16: 525-538. [article]

Weigold P, El-Hadidi M, Rücker A, Huson D, Scholten T, Jochmann M, Kappler A, Behrens S (2016). A metagenomic-based survey of microbial (de)halogenation potential in a German forest soil. Scientific Reports 6: 28958. [article]

Johannes H, Weigold P, El-Hadidi M, Huson DH, Kappler A, Behrens S (2016) Soil biochar amendment shapes the composition of N2O-reducing microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment 15: 379-90. [article]

Shaomei H, Tominski C, Kappler A, Behrens S, Roden EE (2016) Metagenomic analyses of the autotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing enrichment Culture KS. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82: 2656-2668. [article]

Laufer K, Nordhoff M, Roy H, Schmidt C, Behrens S, Jorgensen BB, Kappler A (2016) Co-existence of microaerophilic, nitrate-reducing, and phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizers and Fe(III)-reducers in coastal marine sediment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82: 1433-1447. [article]

Weigold P, Ruecker A, Loesekann-Behrens T, Kappler A, Behrens S (2016) Ribosomal tag pyrosequencing of DNA and RNA reveals 'rare' taxa with high protein synthesis potential in the sediment of a hypersaline lake in Western Australia. Geomicrobiology Journal 33: 426-440. [article]


Buchner D, Behrens S, Laskov C, Haderlein SB (2015) Effects of bacterial growth physiology and expression of key enzymes on stable isotope fractionation (δ13C and δ37Cl) of trichloroethene. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 13230–13237.

Weigold P, Ruecker A, Jochmann M, Osorio Barajas X, Lege S, Zwiener C, Kappler A, Behrens S (2015) Formation of volatile organohalogens by Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021. Journal of Applied Microbiology: 61, 346-353.

Dippon U, Schmidt C, Behrens S, Kappler A (2015). Secondary mineral formation during ferrihydrite reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 depends on incubation vessel orientation and resulting gradients of cells, Fe2+ and Fe minerals. Geomicrobiology Journal: 32, 868-877.

Nitzsche KS, Weigold P, Lösekann-Behrens T, Kappler A, Behrens S (2015) Microbial community composition of a household sand filter used for arsenic, iron, and manganese removal from groundwater in Vietnam. Chemosphere 138: 47-59.

Muehe EM, Weigold P, Adaktylou EI, Planer-Friedrich B, Kraemer U, Kappler A, Behrens S (2015) Rhizosphere microbial community composition affects cadmium and zinc uptake of the metal-hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 2173-2181.

Ruecker A, Weigold P, Jochmann M, Osorio Barajas XL, Behrens S, Kappler A (2015) Halogenated hydrocarbon formation in a moderately acidic salt lake in Western Australia – role of abiotic and biotic processes. Environmental Chemistry 12: 406-414.

Schmidt H, Thom M, Matthies K, Behrens S, Obst U, Wieprecht S, Gerbersdorf S (2015) A multi-disciplinary designed mesocosm to address the complex flow-sediment-ecology tripartite relationship on the microscale. Environmental Sciences Europe 27:2.

Hofacker A, Behrens S, Voegelin A, Kaegi R, Loesekann-Behrens T, Kappler A, Kretzschmar R (2015) Clostridium species as metallic copper forming bacteria in soil under reducing conditions. Geomicrobiology Journal: 32, 130-139.

Nitzsche KS, Lan VM, Trang PTK, Viet PH, Berg M, Voegelin A, Planer-Friedrich B, Zahoransky J, Mueller SK, Byrne JM, Schroeder C, Behrens S, Kappler A (2015) Arsenic removal from drinking water by a household sand filter – effect of filter usage practices on arsenic removal efficiency and microbiological water quality. Science of the Total Environment 502: 526-536.


Kappler A, Wuestner ML, Ruecker A, Harter J, Halama M, Behrens S (2014) Biochar as an electron shuttle between bacteria and Fe(III) minerals. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 1: 339-344.

Ruecker A, Weigold P, Behrens S, Jochmann M, Laaks  J, Kappler A (2014) Predominance of biotic over abiotic formation of halogenated hydrocarbons in hypersaline sediments in Western Australia. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 9170-9178.

Melton ED, Swanner ED, Behrens S, Schmidt C, Kappler A (2014) The interplay of microbially mediated and abiotic reactions in the biogeochemical Fe cycle. Nature Reviews Microbiology 12: 797-808.

Melton ED, Stief P, Behrens S, Kappler A, Schmidt C (2014) High spatial resolution distribution and interconnections between Fe- and N-redox processes in profundal lake sediments. Environmental Microbiology 16: 3287-3303.

Piepenbrock A, Behrens S, Kappler A (2014). Humic substance- and Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms and the importance of electron shuttling in anoxic aquifers. Geomicrobiology Journal 31: 917-928.

Melton ED, Schmidt C, Behrens S, Schink B, Kappler A (2014). Metabolic flexibility and substrate preference by the Fe(II)-oxidizing purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE-1. Geomicrobiology Journal 31: 835-843.

Melton ED, Rudolph A, Behrens S, Schmidt C, Kappler A (2014) Influence of nutrient concentrations on MPN quantification and enrichment of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria from littoral freshwater lake sediments. Geomicrobiology Journal 31: 788-801.

Porsch K, Rijal ML, Borch T, Troyer LD, Behrens S, Wehland F, Appel E, Kappler A (2014). Impact of organic carbon and iron bioavailability on the magnetic susceptibility of soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 128: 44-57.

Jew AD, Behrens S, Rytuba JJ, Kappler A, Spormann AM, Brown GE (2014). Microbially enhanced dissolution of HgS in an acid mine drainage system in the California Coast Range. Geobiology 12: 20-33.

Harter J, Krause HM, Schuettler S, Ruser R, Fromme M, Scholten T, Kappler A, Behrens S (2014). Linking N2O emissions from biochar-amended soil to the structure and function of the N-cycling microbial community. ISME Journal 8: 660-674.

Full publication list